Friday, March 15, 2013

The Great Chess Game | ZeroHedge

The Great Chess Game | ZeroHedge

In Aperiomics this global economy runs itself in the same way that the Roy animal and Biv plant kingdom do. We are part of this system which is why we find it hard to change things and fix problems, we are in effect like an animal in an ecosystem that has evolved to look after rather than destroy it. The global economy is the way it is because of the actions of people in V-Bi teams and as Iv-B loners, it has an Iv-B momentum that is hard to change and the V-Bi random parts are independent and so cannot be all moved in one direction.

The truth is that this struggle for dominance and control is like a giant chess game, with USA and its allies/friends on one side of the board and Russia/China and their allies/friends on the other. They represent the kings and queens of this game and ultimately decide the strategy and the actions of their ‘pieces’. Countries like Britain, France, Japan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, India etc. represent the middle ranking pieces – they are important players in the game, they are not instantly expendable but they are coerced or seduced into following the game plan.
The pawns of the game are all the other minor and relatively powerless countries that make up the world. These are all seen as expendable, but at times they may be given an inflated sense of their own worth by either or both sides in order to achieve a goal. Of course, like a real pawn, once their purpose has been fulfilled or they are no-longer useful they are thrown to the wolves or just ignored.
Two perfect examples of a pawn are Afghanistan and Iraq – neither were particularly unique strategically, in terms of resources or influential politically or militarily. For a time Iraq seemed important but it was just a piece being played as a part in a much larger game. Afghanistan seemed important for a while both to the Americans and the Soviets but (in terms of the game) again it is just a fairly resource-rich non-entity that needed to be exploited as part of a far greater plan.
What many people in the world do not understand is that this great chess game is about control of resources and their flow around this planet. He who controls the oil, gas, rare-earth metals, uranium, water, and food has control of everybody else. The instability in the Middle East may appear to be related to terrorism, the struggle for democracy or religious preferences but this is all just a smoke screen. If we look below the surface we can easily see that this is about transit routes of resources – in particular for oil and gas

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